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The Mailgun Team


The Sinch Mailgun team

The Sinch Mailgun team shares news, best practices, and strategies to take your products and apps to the next level using email. Subscribe to our newsletter to get all the articles in your inbox!

Latest stories by The Sinch Mailgun team

How to send bulk email: The dos and don’ts of mass email sending

Both transactional and marketing email messages can rely on sending massive amounts of email all at once. But while bulk is better when buying toilet paper, that’s not always the...

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How to keep your spam complaint rate low

It feels like a slap in the face. Or being dumped with the “it’s not you; it’s me” line. When an email subscriber marks one of your emails as spam, it feels like a betrayal. We were doing...

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Mailgun Optimize releases updates to monitor authentication success rates

2024 comes with new sending resolutions. Inbox giants like Gmail will hold senders to new stricter like reduced spam complaint rates and stronger authentications. Unlike a...

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Best practices for successful email delivery

Composing good email is important but making sure it successfully reaches your recipients is critical. So many well-intended messages end up in spam (60% in a recent analysis)...

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Get your email in check for the holidays

As the holidays approach, senders shift into high gear, determined not to let any opportunities slip between Black Friday and the new year. From subject lines to...

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See what you can accomplish with the world's best email delivery platform. It's easy to get started.Let's get sending
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