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IT & Engineering

Stories and info on the tools and technologies that keep us connected.

Avoiding the blind spots of missing data with machine learning

You have a project, and you want to apply machine learning to it. You start simple: add one feature, collect data, create a model. You...

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Is your A/B test bullshit?

Everybody knows about A/B tests; You have version A and version B and want to know which one is better. You show some people...

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Lemmacmd: Simple file encryption tool

Occasionally we all find the need to encrypt files as part of our job. The need to encrypt files comes up for a variety of reasons: the...

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GHOST mitigated and our patching methodology

Mailgun has completed patching all of our infrastructure against the recently announced GHOST security vulnerability...

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Mailgun on Performance Cloud Servers

Until recently, Mailgun has been in a managed colo environment hosted by our parent company, Rackspace, using bare metal servers...

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What we learned open sourcing a major part of Mailgun

A few weeks ago, we open sourced Flanker, our MIME parsing and email validation library. We’ve been very happy about the release...

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