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Tips and strategies to ensure your email reaches its destination.

Getting started with Microsoft SNDS: Sender reputation

Email deliverability relies heavily on sender reputation, but how do you monitor a reputation? The answer, of course, is it depends. When it comes to the world of mailbox...

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Inside the seedy underworld of spammers and phishers

We announced some improvements to our reputation algorithm which helps us fight spam while still welcoming new customers without setting arbitrary sending limits. The biggest...

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How to avoid landing in an email blocklist: Best practices

We can’t think of many things more immediately impactful to your deliverability than landing on a blocklist. Once you’ve been flagged, ISPs won’t let you through the gate into...

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The art of inboxing

Email has changed the world because of its openness, ubiquity and asynchronicity. Unfortunately, these traits also attract malicious users that are out to abuse the beauty of...

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5 phishing email warning signs

When you get an email from a company that you recognize, you assume that the message you get is legitimate, why wouldn’t it be?. Unfortunately, scammers have gotten...

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Key takeaways from Mailgun’s State of email deliverability 2023

Why do some emails reach the inbox, some land in spam, and others are blocked from delivery? What can you do to improve your chances of getting messages into the inbox...

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How does email work? Decode the mysteries with our straightforward guide

What is email? Well, we know it’s a cheap, effective form of communication that is so widely used there’s an entire global infrastructure to support it. We rely on email for...

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How to leverage email inbox preview testing for seamless rendering and increased engagement

Email rendering across email clients and devices goes beyond “does it look good”. How your emails load and function affects user experience and engagement, which impacts...

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Email bounces: What to do about them

There are all sorts of reasons why an email might fail to be delivered and bounce back to the sender (also known as an SMTP Reply). Most of these reasons lie outside of your...

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Ignored emails have a low sending self-esteem

Building strong sending habits takes time and has a surprising impact on your sender reputation and overall deliverability. When emails get ignored, it impacts your...

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See what you can accomplish with the world's best email delivery platform. It's easy to get started.Let's get sending
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