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Easier and faster implementation with our updated SDKs

Like all technology, SDKs need to be updated as times go on and new products and services are released to customers. Today, we’re excited to announce the rollout of SDK updates to Mailgun by Pathwire. 



Developers are behind the scenes of every major application and business, and getting started with a new integration from the ground up can be a challenge without a reliable  Software Development Kit (SDK). Like all technology, SDKs need to be updated as times go on and new products and services are released to customers. Today, we’re excited to announce the rollout of SDK updates to Mailgun by Pathwire. 

Out with the old

When we first started developing the Mailgun by Pathwire SDKs in 2013 with our PHP SDK, we did so to make interacting with our API that much easier. As the years went on and Mailgun got bigger, updating our SDKs became one of those projects we always had on our radar.

It wasn’t until early last year when we were finally able to get these SDKs on the map for updates, and we knew we had a lot of work to do to get them suitable for the developers that use Mailgun for their companies. At the same time, we didn’t want to update only our SDKs and leave Mailjet’s in the dust. So, we rolled together the development process of both into one single initiative to better our developer experience.

It was at that time that we decided to involve SoftServe, a digital authority that advises and provides at the cutting-edge of technology. They were able to quickly provide required skill sets to identify, analyse, and resolve existing issues in 8 programming languages. Alongside this, SoftServe also suggested and implemented numerous enhancements to improve user experience, security, and overall performance of our SDKs.

Applying a mature project management framework and dynamically balancing allocated experts out of huge internal talent pools allowed us to perform the project under schedule and budget thresholds while ensuring highest quality and delivery transparency to our customers.

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In with the new

As of today, we’ve released new versions of our PHP, Javascript, Ruby and Go SDKs for Mailgun, with a new Python and Java SDK coming later in the year. These updated SDKs allow developers to cut down on time spent implementing Mailgun into their application. Less time spent implementing turns into more time shoring up email streams, testing, and getting everything running smoothly.

What’s next?

SDKs are only one component of a larger initiative to improve the resources we have available to our users. In the coming months, we’re wrapping up the last of the SDKs left on our list before turning our efforts over towards other aspects of our documentation. Together, these updated resources will make for easier and faster Mailgun and Mailjet implementations in the future. 

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