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Bulk validation previews

Preview your list health before you validate

Not sure if a list needs to be validated? Run a list preview for free and see aggregate results

Maximize email efficiency

Save time, Save money

If you are a sender at scale with multiple segments, mail streams, and email types, you probably have tens or hundreds of active email lists. Instead of validating every list, get an aggregate view of the overall health of each list.​​

List validation preview lets you run as many previews as you want to see the general health status and risk score of a list. This way you can see which lists need the most attention and which ones are ready to send to.​

A line art graphic illustration showing email verification.

Why validations are essential

Email deliverability is a highly sensitive science, but any email expert will tell you that proper list hygiene is one of the most fundamental elements of good email deliverability. Removing invalid and high-risk addresses from your list provides protection from spam traps and blocklists, reduces your bounce rates, increases delivery rates, and protects your overall deliverability.

Mailgun single verification

Added peace of mind

Protect your platform

When you have bad tenants on your platform, they can quickly damage your reputation and hurt your good senders. List collection practices can be a big teller of overall sender quality.

With list verification preview you can vet incoming customers based on general list health to see if they should be allowed on your platform. This helps keep your good senders protected while avoiding bad senders from using your platform.

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