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Helpful articles to optimize your email program.

How to set up message queues for asynchronous sending

Message queuing is an interesting tool that can help us create scalable websites or web services. A message queue allows...

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Inbound email routing in PHP

Sending email is certainly the most known feature to Mailgun’s users but Mailgun can do much more than just sending emails and...

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Building HTML email and workflow tips

We hosted a Google Hangout yesterday featuring our Lead Digital Product Designer, Lee Munroe. In this hangout...

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Growth email hacks: Dynamic images in emails

The best way to engage with your audience is to provide interesting and helpful content relevant to them. A highly tailored...

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Scheduled email delivery with Mailgun and Node.js

This is an updated version of the post “Scheduled Email Delivery With Mailgun And Node.Js” written by Timothy Voice, a Brooklyn...

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Emoji in email and email subject lines: Should you use it?

Emojis are showing up everywhere; seriously, they’ve got their own holiday to show for it...

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Email burst dos and don’ts

Email burst sending is something that more and more people are asking about as their...

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