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Ashley Rodriguez


Ashley Rodriguez

Ashley Rodriguez is the Deliverability Engineer at Sinch Mailgun. She's a metrics pro, deliverability whisperer, and problem-solver helping clients build strong deliverability programs. She writes to help you troubleshoot deliverability issues when sending isn't going your way.

Latest stories by Ashley Rodriguez

Help! My email account has been hacked. What should I do?

“Dear friends and family, if you’ve gotten any suspicious-looking messages from me recently, please don’t open them!” That’s probably the message you’d send to your...

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Ditch the noreply email (and what to do instead)

Automated emails – what’s not to love? Email marketing campaigns can be automatically sent out for customer birthdays, transactional email receipts, and just about any email...

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Mailgun Festivus: The airing of grievances for Black Friday marketing emails

The holidays are right around the corner – whether you like that cliché statement or not. While everyone is out enjoying their various...

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