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Lost in all the technical jargon? Find definitions for common email and technical terms and learn more with our related resources.

Uniform Resource Locator

A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a unique string of text that points to a specific resource on the internet, like web pages or web domains. A URL includes a protocol (like HTTP or HTTPS) and domain or resource name, and sometimes a path, which indicates the specific location of a page within a website. All of these combined (without spaces) enable users to locate a web page. Here’s an example of a URL:

Unique clicks

Unique clicks are the number of users who have clicked on a link, counting only one click per user, even if the user has visited the link several times. They’re often measured based on trackers embedded in emails that determine whether clicks came from the same device or IP address.

Unsubscribe rate

An unsubscribe rate is the rate at which users unsubscribe from an email list. It’s a great metric to gauge an email program’s health, as it provides insights into user engagement – and whether subscribers are finding the content relevant. When demonstrated in a formula, the unsubscribe rate accounts for the total number of unsubscribes divided by the total number of emails delivered and multiplied by 100, expressed as a percentage. Here’s how:

User experience

User experience (UX) refers to a customer’s experience interacting with a brand and its products, website, and services. This includes everything from researching products to buying and using them. Brands design user interfaces (UIs) to create an optimal user experience and reduce friction as customers continue down the path to purchase.

User interface

A user interface (UI) is the graphical and clickable component of web applications that customers see and interact with. Web developers work with designers and other stakeholders to create an optimal interface for a business’ web application.